Emotional Intelligence Assessment for Dental Professionals

Emotional Intelligence is Key to Good Patient Care

Take DentalPost’s FREE EI Assessment to find out where you rank, and learn your strengths and areas for growth.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand and manage your emotions, as well as understand and influence the emotions and behaviors of others. EI is extremely important in dentistry as it directly relates to patient care. There are subtle cues that will alert you to a patient’s well-being, including their comfort level, boundaries, and undiagnosed illnesses that need to be addressed.

The EI Assessment will help you understand your limitations to improve your score and your care, both improving your life and your patients’ lives as.

The Four Pillars of Emotional Intelligence


Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own feelings in the moment. This means being aware of your emotions, understanding what causes specific emotions, and being able to control your emotions when given the opportunity. Knowing your strengths and limitations is the key to self-improvement, learning, and accepting honest feedback.


Effective self-management is the awareness of your emotions, directing behavior and positive decision-making. This includes controlling negative behaviors that are driven by emotions, as well as remaining flexible and adaptable in response to the circumstances of a given situation.


Positive social awareness gives you the ability to understand others’ emotions and perspectives. This includes the anticipation of someone’s feelings, showing empathy, and understanding their needs.

Relationship Management

Effective relationship management allows you to appropriately manage social interactions and situations. It relies on your awareness, not only of your emotions, but also those of others.

How high is your EI?

