4 Tell-Tale Signs You Have a Great Boss
Posted June 13, 2017
I’ve worked in a lot of different dental offices throughout my career — while trying to start a family, I temped in over 100 offices! So, I have certainly seen my share of dental teams. The best, most productive teams have one thing in common: great leadership. Since we know leadership starts at the top, it’s no surprise the best teams have great bosses. So, how do you know if you have a great boss? Here are four key characteristics:
1. a great boss Steps up for you and doesn’t let patients abuse you
As dental professionals, we sometimes deal with difficult patients. Whether they hate going to the dental office, paying their copay, or are just having a bad day, it is never a pleasant experience. A great boss recognizes when to step in and diffuse the situation so you can focus on providing the best patient care possible.
2. A Great boss Doesn’t put up with drama in the office
Facilitating teamwork and understanding how team members need to support each other is key. The office will never succeed when others have agendas and cause disruption because of their issues. Negativity will spread throughout the office, so it’s best to stop it whenever it appears. They are also not the ones starting or egging on the drama either, such as picking favorites or gossiping about another team member. Instead, they set up a culture of positivity and effective communication focused on the patients and solving challenges that arise.
3. a great boss Takes care of their team
Dedication to taking care of their entire team is a huge green flag! Whether that is by providing continuing education programs, ensuring everyone has time for lunch, or having some flexibility for working parents. If you must work through lunch, they will be sure someone orders food for you. A great leader understands their job is to ensure everyone on their team has the things they need to get their job done well.
4. a great boss Trusts you to take care of patients, values your findings, and takes you seriously
Trust is huge. When you are hired to do a job, you should be trusted to do that job and do it well. Otherwise, why did they bother to hire you? When you find something concerning during an exam, your dentist will address and respect it. A great leader trusts you to do your job, listens, depends on you, and respects your work. It is a red flag when they question you and disrespect your professional opinion, especially in front of the patient.
Here at DentalPost, you can find a dental family you love. A team with a solid team culture and core values alignment is the recipe for success. When you find a great boss who has taken the time to create a positive working environment, you enjoy going to work every day. We spend so much of our lives at work; we should love our jobs and team. Life is short — work somewhere awesome.
Updated October 2023.
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