7 Reasons to Temp… and How to Make the Most of It
Posted March 28, 2024
Whether you’re looking for temp work to make some extra money on the side, or you’re on the hunt for a new job, temping has its advantages.
If you have never temped before and aren’t sure where to start, this is a great article to read first. But if you’re not sure if temping is right for you, and want to know the benefits and how to best prepare for a day of temping, then keep reading.
Here are 7 reasons temping may be right for you, right now.
1. You need the extra money.
2. You need more flexibility and control of your schedule because you lack childcare.
3. You need more flexibility so that you can do other things besides practicing dentistry.
4. You miss treating patients. The people aspect of what we do is the best part. Getting out of the house and taking care of others helps take care of us.
5. Temping gives you a window into an office’s people, beliefs, mindsets, and culture without commitment. And we can’t think of anything more important than that right now. Don’t know what culture is right for you? Take our culture quiz.
6. Temping gets you in the door quickly and without the traditional, lengthy courtship process. That means money in your pocket sooner rather than later.
7. Temping will allow you to experience not just one office, but several. You get the opportunity to see who has the best practice and make an informed decision on where you want to be. Temping allows both you and the office you’d work for to “test drive” the fit, assuring that your hiring is mutually beneficial to you and to the practice.
If you’ve decided temping is right for you, it’s important to be prepared so you can get the most out of your temp experience.
RDH & DentalPost Founder, Tonya Lanthier, temped in over 100 different dental offices over her career. She’s temped at some of her favorite offices and has some tips to share on how to make the most out of your temp experience.
Temp Tips:
1. Research the office ahead of time. Find out the names of the team so you can greet them appropriately as well as know their position in the office. Find out what software they use, if you aren’t familiar, watch a few YouTube videos to familiarize yourself before coming in.
2. Find out their break policy so you can prepare accordingly. You may not have time to go get lunch. It’s best to bring your own in case there are limited or no options nearby for a quick grab-and-go.
3. Ask as many questions as you can in advance as everyone’s time is short these days, even with extended patient treatment times.
4. Prepare yourself the night before. Make sure you have enough gas in your tank, your scrubs are clean and ready and your supply bag is packed.
5. PPE is so personal. Bring your own as back up in case you aren’t comfortable with what is provided. If you don’t have to use it, great, but if you do, you will be so glad you did so you can focus on patient care.
6. Travel with supplies – not just PPE, but oral care aids and favorite instruments.
7. Always be professional. That means showing up and being in communication if something has come up.
8. Be on time. Google map your destination and make sure you are clear on where to park, especially if you’re working in an urban area. Give yourself time in case you get lost, and so you can mentally prepare yourself before you walk in the door.
A Better Way to Temp
Ready to get out from behind the screen and put your job search in high gear? Get started today and check out temp jobs in your area.
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