How to Improve Your Professional Etiquette Game in 7 Steps
Posted March 06, 2020
Be Successful in Your Job Search
Manners are a huge part of how employers perceive you. So make sure you are putting your best foot forward by utilizing DentalPost’s professional etiquette tips.
7 Steps for Professional Etiquette
1. Update Your Resume Profile Status.
Once you find the right job and are no longer actively searching, be sure to change your resume profile to Private on DentalPost. This lets employers know not to contact you regarding a job. It’s a win-win; employers don’t waste their time and your phone won’t keep blowing up with calls from employers!
2. Be Prompt and Professional in Your Response.
If you applied for a job, be prompt in responding to employers who reach out to you. Check your email frequently, and respond in a timely manner. For one, its professional. Two, it’s the respectful thing to do. Even if you aren’t interested in the opportunity anymore, respond and politely tell them that. This will allow them to move on to the next candidate.
When you do respond, whether in voicemail or email, follow this simple rule. GYWN: Greeting, Your Name, Why/What You’re Calling About, Phone Number.
When you leave a voicemail, make sure it’s professional for a potential employer, not for a friend or a peer. First, say a simple greeting and give your first and last name. Next, tell them what you’re calling in reference to, eg an application. Finally, give them your full phone number, then repeat it again a little slower so they can get your number down correctly the first time they listen.
Make sure when you start applying for jobs, that you set up your voicemail message to be professional when someone calls you and leaves a message. Pro tip: smile while you’re saying your greeting, you will sound a lot more cheery and dynamic and avoid sounding monotone.
When you’re emailing back an employer or starting an email to an employer, write in full sentences, without text abbreviations. Sign off like you would a letter. Give a message of thanks, and add your signature, make sure you include your number in it! Pro tip: put the position you’re applying/interviewing for in the subject line.
3. Honesty is the Best Policy.
This one is a big one, don’t lie on your resume profile! Employers will find out the truth, I promise! Instead, highlight the skills and abilities you do have. Then, stress that you are a quick learner and are willing to work hard to learn skills that will benefit the office. Lying gets you nowhere, and is a surefire way to not getting the job.
4. Check Your Profile Picture and Social Channels.
Your picture should reflect who you are professionally. Think about what impression you trying to make. Employers want to see that you are professional, clean, and collected; so let’s leave the car selfies out of it! If you don’t have a professional picture, don’t worry. For example, get a friend to take your picture against a solid color wall. Make sure you are the only thing in the frame- while I’m sure your pet dog is cute; employers aren’t looking to hire him!
Employers these days frequently check candidates’ names on Facebook and Google, make sure you remove anything you wouldn’t want a potential employer seeing. That means removing tags at parties and clubs, or doing anything sketchy or potentially illegal. Pro tip: Google yourself and see what you find, remove accounts or attempt to remove anything you do find on yourself that you don’t want an employer to see.
5. Respect the Employer. Do NOT “Ghost”!
When you set up a time to interview, make sure you can be there! If you cannot come for whatever reason, get in touch with the employer. That is to say, showing up late or not at all without notifying them will result in frustrated employers. Consequently, the dental industry is a tight-knit community; keep in mind that your professional reputation will follow you around. Good or bad!
6. Double Check for Grammar.
Your resume profile is the first chance to make an impression on the employer. So, any glaring errors or typos will tell them you don’t really care about getting the job. It can be helpful to have multiple friends read through it as well, sometimes others will catch something you missed. Additionally, it is worth the effort and time to make sure it is perfect!
7. Dress to Impress.
Congrats! You got the interview. However, the hard part isn’t over yet; what are you going to wear? Employers want to see your professional side. The extra time and effort will pay off here too! Once you have put together your appropriate professional outfit, check for any wrinkles or stains. A little ironing can go a long way!
Searching for a job can be tricky, so there’s no reason to make it harder on yourself! So, use these tips to keep your professional etiquette game strong. In other words, put your best foot forward, this is your career we are talking about!
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