Are You Asking the Right Dental Interview Questions?
Posted July 20, 2020
How to Prepare for Dental Job Interview Questions
Before Covid-19 hit and effectively shut down dental operations, the hiring process for the dental industry had remained unchanged for decades. But today, it’s a different workplace with new rules, new processes, and one that now requires adjustments for job seekers and dental employers.
New job descriptions that are better reflective of the skills needed, as well as the culture and processes of a dental office, are critical. But once you write the perfect job description and attract the right candidates, then what? Continuing a robust, transparent exchange of information between candidates and employers is key to finding a good match. Consider adding some new questions to your standard interview questions.
We’ve outlined some interview questions below for both candidates and employers to help assure you make a good decision with regard to your next employer/team member.
If you are a job seeker, here are some interview questions to consider asking a future employer:
- Has this role/position changed in terms of duties and responsibilities post-Covid? This is particularly important for Dental Assistants. Make sure to ask what their infection control procedures are. Study up on what the latest standards are for infection mitigation.
- What do you consider a successful or productive workday?
- What have been some key learnings from a business and leadership perspective since Covid-19?
- What’s the one thing you’re still challenged by or working to improve?
- What are the company’s biggest challenges right now and what are you looking for in this position/role to help alleviate those challenges?
- What are some other qualities that have become even more vital in a new hire since this pandemic?
- I’m interested in joining a company where I’ll be able to contribute and add value right away. Could you share more about the onboarding process in light of COVID-19? What changes have been made to ensure that the new hire is successful once they join the team?
- I know things are quite uncertain right now, but as we continue to navigate this time, what are the company’s top priorities and plans for the next few months?
- What is the practice’s approach to PPE?
- What do you do as a team to stay connected in terms of learning, adjusting, and checking in with each other?
- Do you support continuing education?
If you are a dental office, here are some interview questions to consider asking your next team member:
- Tell me about a time in a previous professional situation (or life situation) where you were in a challenging or negative circumstance and you had to change your mindset to persevere.
- What would you consider a productive workday or environment?
- Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t agree with a coworker or your manager? How did you handle it?
- What did you do during the shutdown to further your career?
- How do you deal with a difficult patient?
- When there is downtime in the office, what do you see your role being?
Whether this interview is in person, video conference, or over the phone, you will want to be prepared. Dedicate the time to get to know who you are talking to before the interview.
If you really want to go deep and assure the right fit, make sure to request and review any assessments the candidate has taken. Be willing to share any assessments that you or your dental office team have taken, as well. Knowing the personalities that you already have on staff helps you better understand where you need to fill gaps and holes in your team dynamic. It is invaluable in onboarding new team members and integrating them successfully into your team.
Be sure to follow these tips from GetHiredRDH resume and interview expert, Doug Perry, to help you put your best and most authentic self forward in any interview.
Taking your time to find the best fit the first time is always the best strategy. Hiring just anyone or taking just any job was costly before Covid-19. Now? It’s really costly.
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