Corpus Christi, TX 🌟 $1.2M, High-Tech Dental Practice
Posted Mar 21, 2025
Contact infoAbby Newhouse
General Dental Practice Corpus Christi, Texas FOR SALE $1,200,000 – Real Estate is available in addition to the practice for $910,000, medical condo, office is approx. 3,232 sq ft, 7 ops equipped. Practice has been established for over 25 years. The office is presently open about 32 hours/week and using Eaglesoft. Technology includes: CBCT, Pano, digital x-rays, Glidewell io (One Day Crown Milling Unit), 2 iTero Scanners, Glidewell printer that makes in-house nightguards and retainers, Casey software, and intraoral cameras; all equipment is in great condition. Patient base about 69% PPO, 31% FFS/Self-Pay, no Medicaid, no DMO with 2600+ active patients and about 50+ new patients/month. Interested in learning more? Our sellers require us to have an NDA on file for anyone we share their info with---thanks in advance! Send an email to or text Abby Newhouse at with your first and last name, as well as your email to request an NDA. For more info check out our website