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Prosthodontic Dental Assistant Job Posting

All Job Postings > Texas > Houston TX > Dental Assistant > Prosthodontic Dental Assistant Job (ID: 522532)
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Prosthodontic Dental Assistant Job in Houston, Texas

(Job ID: 522532)

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Houston, Texas 77065



Feb 20, 2025




Base Salary

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#522532 Active




Who I am: I am Dr. Searby, The Elder Dentist: an older dentist specializing in older patients. We see no kids, thank God. My dental office has two sides. One side is a regular general dental office where I do regular restorative dentistry - and lots of extractions. It gets bloody. I do NOT need an assistant for that side. The one I have is stuck like a barnacle. The other side of my Elder Dental practice is the removable dentures and partials side. I need an entry-level prosthodontics assistant here to help me and my in-office denture lab techs make and deliver lovely removable prostheses. Lots of alginates and soft liners. Lots of hands-on care with grateful patients. No blood and guts at all. Experience with dentures is NOT a requirement. We can show you how to handle the new skills in a few days. Then we practice together for years. Arts and craft experience WOULD be a helpful skill. Good with hands and a keen eye for detail would be valuable. Important extra skills needed: RDA who speaks some dental Spanish and can help patients choose treatments, aka close sales. Most older folks choose the age-appropriate, lesser expensive options. No pressure is needed, but you gotta ask. And many patients only speak Spanish these days, so that would be helpful. Staff is very easy going. Most have been here for 10+ years. Doc is very easy to work with and has his own sense of humor. All of our patients seem to love him, because they keep coming back! It's hard to be the new guy in a small group, but you are needed and would be welcomed. Assuming you have a good work ethic (show up and stay busy), someone that is friendly and outgoing, and a team player. Every team member is needed for almost every patient. A monthly cash bonus is included. Based on number of repairs and relines that our assistants and lab techs perform. The extra money earned from walk-ins is shared by all. You'd be included after 90 days. Please email resume to: [sign in to DentalPost to see current contact info] . Find a new work home with us. PRS

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