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Dental Assistant Job Posting

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Dental Assistant Job in Conroe, Texas

(Job ID: 522588)

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Conroe, Texas 77304



Mar 18, 2025




Base Salary

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#522588 Active




Fox Creek Endodontics is a privately-owned dental practice that specializes in root canal treatment and sedation dentistry. Our 2 endodontists focus on collaborating with the top general dentists in our area to provide high quality, patient-centered care using state-of-the-art equipment. Our mission is to change the narrative of how people perceive the experience of having to get a root canal done. We get it…no one really wants to see us…most people are fearful and scared of getting a root canal. But what IF it doesn’t have to be THAT bad? We think we have the recipe to get patients to say, “Well that wasn’t too bad!”. We believe our experienced team of administrative and clinical assistants can train the right person and give them a path to a worthwhile career in dentistry. We are in search of one RDA. Whose primary roles will be of dental assisting but is open to the idea of cross training in due time in a limited scope. We hope that they might have the following characteristics. Someone that is tired of bouncing from office to office, and is looking for a work home Has some experience in the dental field and is willing to learn the ins and outs of endodontics. (Will be likely starting from scratch if no prior endo experience.) Has some experience in the hospitality industry and understands the value of prioritizing customer service. You have a little fire within you and you are a self-motivated go-getter looking to climb the ladder. If you feel like you might be interested, contact us and we can chat more! **If you are interested in this position, please send a resume/CV with past experiences and 3-4 references (preferably a co-worker, previous employers, professors/teachers, etc.) Family members and friends do not count as reference contacts. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us via email. Lupe Van Eijck is the main point of contact. Salary / pay is negotiable based on experience. Please email your resume/ references to [sign in to DentalPost to see current contact info] Thank you!

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